Monday, 13 August 2012

Woody's Fancy Dress Party

Things are reaching fever pitch here at Gypsy Wood Park!! Only two weeks to go till Woody hosts his brilliant annual fancy dress party. We've been pestering Woody to write us a blog post all about his adventures so far this year, but he keeps saying he's too busy with all the planning for his big day!

There's loads and loads of things going on - it's not a day you want to miss! And don't forget to bring along your favourite musical instruments - anything from a recorder to a guitar to a triangle! Woody has asked his wizzard to put on a sing-along show, so we want to hear you play!

And, don't forget to get practicing your hula-hooping ready for the competition - we wanna see you hula!!

We can't wait to see you there; it's going to be the best Fancy Dress Party yet! 27th August at Gypsy Wood Park, from 11am.

If you have any questions or queries about the event, give us a call (01286 673 133), drop us a line ( or leave a comment in the box below.

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