Come along to Gypsy Wood Park and meet some of the beautiful Pygmy Goats that live here.
Peanut, Acora, Poppy, Robbie, Gizmo, Lexi, Hector, Zebedee, Gypsy, Charlotte, Jay, Eccles, Mrs P and Cariad are all full of beans and love to race around their grassy pen.
Pygmy Goats at Gypsy Wood Park
Pygmy Goats are native to Africa and are traditionally used for milking of for meat. But, here at Gypsy Wood, all our pampered Pygmys have to do is have fun and look pretty - the two things they're best at!
Pygmy Goats are hardy animals, so when the Welsh weather gets chilly, it doesn't bother them at all. They like having things to jump on, because they have a big bounce and a spring in their little step. They aren't very good at being on their own, which is why we keep lots of them together. They're all the best of friends. They are also naturally friendly and good natured animals, so they make great pets.
Beautiful Zebedee as a baby - born Summer 2010
Did you know.....?
....Pygmy Goats can live to be as old as 15 years.
....Pygmy Goats like to eat grains, oats and yummy greens.
....Pygmy Goats are naturally affectionate animals once they trust their human carers.
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